Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Post Daizey Day (D-Day?)

So... yesterday was hell. I got off work and did some running around before coming home and spending it with Daizey. I tried to get a plaster of paris pawprint (because I couldn't find clay anywhere) and Daizey said NOPE. So I didn't get one. I spent the last few hours giving her treats and brushing her-she loved that, and I got everything ready for her trip. We left early so Mom and I could get her situated and give her the special treats we brought (a wet food thats compressed so I cut it into peices and gave them to her) we got her in and set her on the blanket on the floor and fed her the yummys. She ate til she couldn't anymore- the dog with the insatiable appetite, finally satisfied- she napped for a minute or so and then ate a little more. Doc got her I.V. in with little trouble and she took a few more mouthfuls, when she was done he gave her the sedative and then the euthanasia solution. She honestly looked like any second her head would pop back up for any treat around. I thought that she would look different but it was like I was watching it from outside myself. I still can't believe its been 24 hours. I've never hurt so much. 
I have so many stories about her. From when we first got her at less than 6 wks old from the pound and she'd make little puppy barks (and poops) all night in her storage container lol. Then when she got older and CHEWED through her fence pen or when we noticed that she was jumping on the swing on the backporch to chew the armrests and rock (we still have the swing...and the teethmarks). The time she was beaten, the acute kidney failure/the only time she wouldn't eat. The back surgery, the mouth surgery, countless xrays on her heart and lungs because of problems. Going to the park and her favorite spot (pictured). The last time we went we had to stop so many times, what used to be a 10 min walked turned into well over an hr and me carrying her back to the car. Oh, the time she went to pee out front and got lost for an hr while we hunted for her... Im going to miss her so much even though I know it was the right thing to do. Like Ive said- She's not a purebred or ever saved anyone from a well, but she was my dog and I loved her.

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