Saturday, May 28, 2011

My newest accomplishments

So, to get right into it- I've always had bad lungs. I think it's because I was born too early (and was jaundiced) and even when my brother was born, all the pictures I was wearing a surgical mask because even then I was fighting pneumonia.

My lungs have been so scarred up due to the bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis, 2 yrs ago a ct scan found sever inflammation and "ground glass like infitltrates" in the bottom lobe of each lung (scarring and unusable lobes). I began seeing my pulmonologist regularly, a few times I was a mere 2 points away from being put on oxygen. That is a scary thing to be told when you've just turned 22. I was already going to the gym regularly and thought that that would've helped but it didn't. No matter what I did- more cardio classes, more cycling, less classes- it stayed the same. My lung capacity just plain sucked. It didn't cause me too many problems, I didn't really notice how bad they had become because it was such a gradual deterioration.

Also around this time I had bloodwork done and discovered I was severely vit. D and B12 deficient. Which is what I thought would explain my severe fatigue and joint pain all over since I was 18. My thyroid was also on the low side of normal, but I've been hyporthyoid since I was 11 and whenever I go to a new doctor or get bloodwork done I just like them to check and see where it is.

Well, I started prescription Vit D for a few weeks and was told that it would be what it would be when I finished- my level was 12. Normal range is 20-100. Low D can cause a lot of different issues and again that's where I was told my pain was coming from.

So a good friend of mine and I were talking. She's a personal trainer now and has helped me quite a bit, I asked her- is there something that you think would help me? She told me about a nutriceutical that sounded really promising and had 5 studies published where I knew was very important, the National institute of health. We look on there all the time for the newest animal studies and human doctors use that as their guide.

Well I started taking this pill and honestly didn't notice a whole lot of difference. A few weeks into being on the product I went to my doctor in severe pain, once again. I was so tired of hurting and I didn't want to complain to anyone for fear they think I was either making it up or causing it myself because of the gym. At this point my entire shoulder was frozen, I couldn't move it and trying to would bring tears to my eyes. I was at the point of sleeping in the living room in a straight backed chair because even the recliner hurt when I went to sit up... I told the LPN to check me for anything that could be causing this (x rays showed some arthritis in both shoulders) and I was told my bloodwork came back normal.

I always request a copy, and when it came in the mail I saw that I had a high titer for lyme disease but when they did a test for the bands I needed four to be positive and I had three, and needed 2 positive on the second and only had one. So I was just barely negative according to the IDSA. Researching the disease I found that the testing is highly innaccurate and political and that I also had MANY of the symptoms.

I decided to take my healthcare into my own hands and saw an infectious disease doctor who, based on secondary blood tests and symptoms, finally doagnosed me with lyme disease. THIS TOOK 5 YEARS from start to finish. This doctors "solution" was to give me 14 days of an antibiotic. 14 days is not going to kill 5 yrs of spirochetes in my blood stream and the cyst forms that are in my organs. So at that point I had reached a dead end. I was about 6 months into taking the nutriceutical...

I noticed that my flares of what I now knew was lyme disease get further apart, so I didn't pursue the correctlyme treatment another doctor wanted to perform of placing a port either in my chest or securing a PICC line from my arm to my heart and giving my IV antibiotics 4 hrs everyday.

By 8 months on the product I had my final flare.

I am now 15 months on. I haven't flared in 7 months, my Vit D is at 30, My b12 level is within normal range and climbing, my thyroid is WORKING and NORMAL, my lungs have 0 inflammation the scarring is down 50% and the bottom lobes are spasming and trying to work again! I do have asthma like symptoms constantly now due to this but I know in a few months time my lungs will have remembered how to work and will be healed.

I was a skeptic. I hear all the time that people want to try this for just a month or two. I can't imagine where I would be healthwise had I not stuck with it. You never know what health crisis is going on in your body and it's ridiculous to think you know what every cells intention is.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I didn;t even metion I lost 8 pounds this week due to having a normal thryoid and being on thyroid medicine and our nutriceutical it caused my to jump into HYPERthyroid- woohoo for a high metabolism for one lol.
