Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting onto the subject of Lyme

About 5 yrs ago I became sick, had very achy hips and shoulders, gained weight ( though I've always been chunky), was very fatigued and experiencing some pretty bad headaches and memory loss.

My then-doctor, ran a blood panel and all that came back was epstein-barr positive and she concluded I "must" be getting over a mono. infection and for me to lose wieght. We assumed I had gained due to no longer being in high school marching band and starting college (im around 19 at this specific point in time 2006)
So a few months go by, I got a little better, then got a little worse...  One thing that stands out it I had a major migraine episode while at work that turned into my mom having to come pick me up and being stuck in bed with flu-like symptoms again for around a week.

Again, Doc does nothing except test for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis which both come back negative ( actually the ANA for RA came back borderline, then normal).
More time goes by, more visits (averaging about 1 every 2-3months, which for me was A LOT as Id never really been sick) Somewhere in all this time however, we did re-discover that I have hashimotos hypothyroidism which is now regulated, Ive been hypothyroid since 14 yrs old but went off meds for awhile due to a quack doctor.

On to a new doctor in 2010 and after 2-3 visits to her (one of which was for the most excruciating shoulder pain in my life!) she tests for lyme- elisa is positive western blot igg negative (though 2 strains were reactive) and igm negative (1 strain reactive) she tells me I have Lyme but there is nothing to do for it.

Since then Ive read some blogs on people that have done extended periods of i.v./ oral antibiotics... I haven't read any that says they've been "cured" but they seem to have fewer flares and longer periods between. I'm currently looking for an infectious disease specialist that will do this protocol on me. It calls for I.v. antibiotics for a few months then a regimine of rotating oral antibiotics (though there is no timeframe for this part of treatment, most people have been taking them for quite a few yrs now)

Just to clarify-
I am epstein-barr positive
Elisa test pos. for lyme
Hashimotos Hypothyroid

I am able to go to the gym most of the time and have a very high pain tolerance and I do work (though I am only getting around 5 hrs a week due to economy- so I spend my free time at the gym) I have a wonderful friend and now my personal trainer (Jess) and an inspirational woman that pushes everyone to be their best in the multitude of classes she teaches, and I take (G. ) and I honestly contribute most of the health I have left to them. I can't imagine where I would be had I not met Jess and she not persuaded to join the gym and then subsequently meeting G. I know I would not feel nearly as good, would definetly be much heavier, and wouldn't have an outlet for getting rid of the frustrations I deal with.

The only medicine I am routinely taking is my thyroid medicine and a nutriceutical I believe is helping immensely.

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